Assessment Details


Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory - MARSI

The MARSI (Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory) assesses readers' awareness and use of reading strategies. It focuses on how individuals plan, monitor, and evaluate their reading processes to improve comprehension and retention.

The MARSI consists of statements related to various reading strategies, rated by respondents based on how frequently they use each strategy. A Likert scale is typically used, allowing responses from "never" to "always."

Key Features:
MARSI includes different types of metacognitive strategies, such as:

Global Reading Strategies: Techniques like setting goals or predicting content.

Problem-Solving Strategies: Methods to overcome reading challenges, like re-reading or seeking clarification.

Support Reading Strategies: External aids like reference materials or asking for help.

Psychometric Properties: The MARSI is a reliable and valid measure of metacognitive awareness, with items designed to capture various aspects of reading strategy use.

Administration and Scoring:
MARSI can be administered both electronically and in paper format, ideal for educational settings and research. Each item is rated based on the frequency of use. Scores are calculated for individual strategies, subscales, and overall strategy use.

Assessment Image


Step 1: Complete the basic details form and then click the "Proceed to Test" button.

Step 2: Review each statement to indicate whether you are familiar with and/or use these reading strategies.

Step 3: Use the following scale to indicate your level of awareness and/or usage of each strategy:

I have never heard of this strategy before.
I have heard of this strategy, but I don’t know what it means.
I have heard of this strategy, and I think I know what it means.
I know this strategy, and I can explain how and when to use it.
I know this strategy quite well, and I often use it when I read.

Step 4: After reviewing each strategy statement, select the option that best represents your level of awareness and/or usage of the strategy.

Step 5: You will be able to see and download your test report immediately upon completion.